Ayurveda/ Shamanic Womb Healing/ Hormone Health/ Somatic Pelvic Health/ Nervous System Repatterning/ Cacao Ceremonies

Are You Tired of Stress Related
Hormonal Ups and Downs?


The hormone (endocrine) system is closely tied to the nervous system and at times called the neuroendocrine system. Any imbalance can affect every aspect of a woman’s life from the way she thinks, feels and acts. Because a woman is constantly at the mercy of her emotions she may experience a roller coaster ride of ups and downs when her hormones are not balanced. With the constant burden of stress, it can feel like an uphill battle juggling a career, family life, maintaining a social life and self-care. Some women may choose to go back to school, work and raise a family. The ongoing pressures of societal expectations can weigh heavily on a working woman who has to show up everyday and be present for those around her whilst neglecting her own needs.

In today’s society females are suffering many afflictions related to hormonal imbalance compared to 50 years ago. What has changed in society to negatively impact the way a women’s body navigates puberty to menopause? Women’s lifestyles and nutrition has greatly changed in a maladaptive manner to accommodate the demands placed on them. Coupled with that, more and more women have entered the working world to sustain the needs of their family, society and/or support themselves. Chronic stress has become the norm. Living in a state of fight or flight mode (activated sympathetic nervous system) stresses the body and mind causing overall decline of health and well being. Environmental toxins (often not regulated) are found in everything we use to what we eat – this has all contributed to the orchestra of hormones playing out of tune and thus leading to an imbalance.

It is very hard to stay focused or hopeful when you feel as though you have no control over your body. But through the holistic functional lens you can change the current state of hormone health and put the pause on stress. There is a way to achieve a healthy mind, body and spirit that is totally doable and maintainable.

Become Whole Again

When I learned that I was estrogen dominant and as such would need to constantly have regular mammograms and ultrasounds, it dawned on me that I needed to make some serious changes to how I lived my life. I wasn’t sure how to do that. I made a few small changes, but never fully committed to them. My stress persisted and so did my symptoms. I brushed it under the rug. In time I came to discover that I also had adrenal fatigue – another hormonal imbalance. At this point I started to awaken to what I ate, thought, felt and constructed my environment around. Taking charge of my life meant studying and learning what I needed to attain optimal health so that I could change my circumstances.

Through this process I took a step inwards to find out what my body was trying to tell me on an emotional and spiritual level. In peeling back the layers of who I thought I was supposed to be I discovered my authentic nature, my soul. The best part of my healing journey was my ability to go to unknown recesses of myself to discover what I needed to become whole again. I want to help you achieve that!

In my 12 week program – becoming whole again, we will apply a holistic functional lens to address hormonal imbalances starting with: gut healing (inflammation, leaky gut, dysbiosis), dysglycemia (glucose imbalance), review lab results (if available) and detoxification of body and environment (including lymph movement). For stress management and connecting to your dharma (life purpose): breathwork, vagal tone exercises, meditation, chakra healing, journaling, emotional regulation, mindset change, visualization, movement, grounding, sleep hygiene and motivational setpoints will be covered. (It is important to note that some areas will require more attention than others)

Change takes time and commitment. With most people giving up before they even start. A holistic coach by your side can make the path a lot less bumpy, providing support and helping you stay accountable for your progress. This is a key component in achieving the results you desire. I created this program with a strong focus on gut healing and stress management due to what I have learned in the functional nutrition field and based upon my experience with the demanding life we currently live as working women. My journey was a long one due to the fact that I didn’t know where to look for the help I needed, nor did I have the support and guidance to get to a place of resiliency sooner. With me by your side, you don’t have to go through this process alone nor struggle to find the resources you need to guide you.

If you are ready to tackle your hormonal issues and manage your stress to get on a path of healing towards a balanced life – this program is for you!

Join me on this 12 week journey in making a difference from the inside out.

***I do offer a longer program depending on the needs of the client***

  • 12 One on One Sessions
  • Guided attention throughout the process
  • Plan that specifically addresses your hormonal imbalance and stress
  • Weekly handouts/Assignments
  • Hormone Assessment
  • Journal Workbooks
  • Inflammation Fighting Food Guide
  • Support outside of Sessions
  • Mind-Body Practices to Alleviate Stress
  • Detoxification Protocol for body and home
  • Connect to purpose/Chakra Balancing
  • Recipes Supporting the different phases of a women’s cycle

Imagine Feeling Balanced in Your Life

You can do this. As overwhelming as it can feel, as isolating as it can be, you can and will rebuild your path to hormonal balance, manage your stress and fill your life with meaning and purpose. When you combine the right plan with an trained holistic coach who not only knows what you’re going through but also knows how to get you to the other side, anything is possible. This can be your second chance at the type of life you’ve always wanted to live. This is your chance to become whole again.


Feel alive each and every day with the energy and spirit to do it all


Feel comfortable in your skin and unshakably confident in yourself


Feel that anything is within your reach and be guided by purpose

What People Say About Us

Natalia Bermudez, Florida, USA/Entrepreneur/Business Advisor/Real Estate Investor

My struggles with hormonal imbalance had finally taken a toll on my life until I found Anisa. She was very patient in working with me to understand what my body was going through and helping me to make changes that allowed me to take ownership of my health and alleviate my perimenopausal symptoms…..

Bibie Mireh, Mallorca, Spain/Paralegal

I have always taken pride in being a fit, healthy individual. Unfortunately, the past year I started dealing with a lot of stress in my life. I found myself unable to be present and focus on what I needed to do; slowly my eating habits changed, I couldn’t sleep through the night and I became fatigued. Working with Anisa, I started to put the pieces together as to what was happening to my body and the havoc stress had taken on my hormones. Slowly I was able to work through this period to get to a place of calm. With Anisa’s guidance I was able manage my hormonal issues to take back control of my life and feel good about myself.

Gabriela Canaveral, New York, USA/Pre-med Student

Being a pre-med student means that I spend a lot of time buried in books. Because of this I tend not to pay particular attention to how well I eat or how much sleep I get. When I started to feel drained and moody, I knew something wasn’t right. I found Anisa and she was able to guide me through lifestyle changes that set me on a path to feeling energized, renewed and recharged. I was able to regulate my hormones through food and sleep by tackling inflammation to get back on track with my studies albeit with time in between to enjoy connection with my loved ones.

Ariana Cyr, Massachusetts, USA/MRI Technician/Reiki healer/Mind-Body Practitioner

Anisa helped me to connect the dots to realize that I wasn’t feeding my body adequate nutrients to facilitate proper detoxification. By only focusing my attention on certain areas of my life I neglected my health which led to hormonal shifts. Working with Anisa, I discovered how to attend to the needs of my body, increase my progesterone levels, do a home and body detox – all of which allowed me to take control of my life and add a spunk to my step. Thank you Anisa!

Are You Ready to Take the
Holistic Path Forward?

At this point, you can follow one of two paths. First, you can move on without clicking the button below and continue doing what you’ve always done. And, chances are, you’ll continue getting what you’ve always gotten. You can continue to struggle with hormonal imbalance and stress, facing the challenges alone.

Or you can choose the second path.

You can choose to do something different, to stop trying to figure this out all by yourself and instead follow the lead of someone who has already figured out how to achieve the very things you want so badly. You know where you’ll be in a year if you choose to do nothing, but there’s no telling how far you’ll go in life with a holistic coach by your side, guiding you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to take control of your hormone health and manage your stress, I invite you to choose the second path, click the button below, and take the first step toward a bigger, brighter tomorrow.

Questions? Click here to contact us.

Anisa Bally-Khan


After working in the demanding legal field for a period of time, Anisa came to realize that she wasn’t happy. She was was struggling with too many stress related issues which led to her hormonal imbalances. She went back to school and earned many certifications in health and wellness with a concentration in functional nutrition, hormone health and stress management. By making a difference in her life she realized she could help other women with similar issues.

  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies
  • Ayurveda Health Coach
  • Certified Holistic Lifestyle and Nutrition Coach
  • Certified Life Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner
  • Women’s Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner
  • Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
  • Certified Breath Coach
  • Instinctive Meditation® Teacher
  • Cacaoista – Cacao Ceremony Facilitator
  • Shamanic Womb Healing Practitioner
  • Holistic Somatic Healing® With a Focus on Integrative Pelvic Health
  • Nervous System Repatterning Practitioner
  • Priestess Ceremonialist